Wednesday, August 23, 2006

NFL Season is Fast Approaching!

Those who know me well know I'm a big NFL football fan. In fact, I've run a friendly pool with friends for over a decade.

As football season fast approaches, my excitement has been hightened by the pre-season matches that have been appearing on television more and more frequently. This is surprising given that NFL pre-season matches consist of the "stars" playing half the first quarter, then the backups come in, then those on the bubble to make the team hit the field, and by the fourth quarter you'd swear they've got people out there that they picked up out from a local recreational team.

I'll have much more to say about the gridiron as the season approaches in September. Stay tuned football fans!

1 comment:

opinionator777 said...

Chad, I'd love to join in your friendly pool. Let me know how I can join