Saturday, September 16, 2006

The NFL is heating up!

Week 2 in the NFL is set to begin tomorrow, and I have to say I've been excited by what I've seen so far. I've been an NFL football fan for as far as I can remember, and there's just something about the return to the field each year that makes me feel like a kid again. Not that I'm THAT old now - but you get the point.

I remembered at the start of every NFL season heading up to the local park with my good friend Jeremy to play a game called "punt/pass". The idea was to throw the ball as far as you could towards your opponent who would in turn throw it back. Then, you'd punt (kick) it back to your opponent who would in turn punt it back to you. Wherever the ball landed was where you had to play from. The idea was to drive your opponent back across the opposing goal line. Did I mention my friend had a good 5-inches on me in height, and a solid 40 pounds in weight? As you can imagine, I didn't win as much as I'd like, but it was a lot of fun anyway!

As for this newly formed NFL season, I have a few predictions I wanted to throw out. As always, I'm interested in your thoughts too!

Overrated teams...

The Kansas City Chiefs will be a big disappointment. The team was getting older on their powerful offense, and the recent loss of QB Trent Green will hurt more, but their biggest problems remain on defense. You can't win if you can't keep your opponents out of the end zone.
Okay, it's no secret I don't like the Dallas Cowboys. Not too many people do! I feel this team might be the most "overrated" in the league. I feel QB Drew Bledsoe is past his prime, they've inherited a headache signing diva WR Terrel Owens, and this is only to name a few plot holes in the Cowboys quest for another Superbowl. They won't be a bad team, but they certainly aren't going to put up the numbers some people are predicting.

Underrated teams...

I like the Jacksonville Jaguars a lot this year. Their offense, even without retiring all-star WR Jimmy Smith, looks to have improved. Combine that will stellar defense and you have a team on the rise.

I like the look of the NY Jets this year - at least to massively improve on their 4-12 season in 2005. I strongly feel the key for the Jets is the health of their Quarterback Chad Pennington. Pennington has been much maligned by fans in recent years given his injury troubles and his apparent "lack of arm strength". I look at him another way. He's a proven winner that rarely makes mistakes. If she stays healthy, we're looking at an 8-8 Jets team, maybe even better.

Teams that had potential, but didn't go far enough...

The Washington Redskins have a dynamite defense, a good running attack, and came within two games of the Superbowl last season. Their problem, they are hanging their hopes on a 36-year old quarterback whose best days are well behind him. It's a shame. Had they sprung for a decent QB, they could have made even more noise.

Teams I have a soft spot for...

The Seattle Seahawks. It's geography as much as anything else for me. That and growing up where the Seahawks were always on TV! I don't know if they'll make it back to the Superbowl this year, but they still should have a solid season. That's as much as I can say - I don't want to doom them with a prediction two weeks in to the year!

My early pick as the Superbowl winner...

The New England Patriots. Tom Brady will do it again - mostly on his back.


Mack said...

How about Arizona, they got Warner, Leinhart and James. Nice package there.

Woosang said...

Interesting comments Chad. I wasn't really a huge fan of the NFL but then I got into this football pool. I started to watch more games and I am now a big fan of the NFL. One of the good things about the NFL is the fact that they only have games once a week on Sunday. So it is much easier to watch games.

Kansas City Chiefs

Not sure when/if Trent Green will ever come back after that injury. I think Kansas Chiefs' season is pretty much f**** up as it stands.

Dallas Cowboys

Maybe it was a good thing for Terrel Owens to move to a new team (just like Bertuzzi going to a new team). But I agree, Cowboys are overrated but I wouldn't be surprised if they still make the playoff.

Cincinnati Bengals

They could've defeat the Steelers last year in the wild-card game if it wasn't for QB Palmer's knee injury. The Bengals made moves to improve their defense and I think Carson Palmer is going to have another solid season.

Pittsburgh Steelers

As much as I hated them for defeating my Seattle Seahawks in the Super Bowl...(not to mention the Zebras helping them out!!!) I have a soft spot for Super Bowl MVP Heins Ward. Maybe because he is a Korean... Expect another strong season for the Steelers...but they won't win it all again this year.

Seattle Seahawks

Due to the geography factor, Seattle Seahawks became my team. They played very horrible game against Detorit Lions last week. Not having Steve Hutchinson seemed to show on Seattle offence. We will also see if the curse of Madden game will come true for Shaun Alexander.

Neverthless, I think Seattle will continue to play very strong at home.

New England Patriots

I disagree with you on this one. QB alone cannot carry the team to the Super Bowl. Patriots won't win it this year.

Indianapolis Colts

I think they have very good chance this year.

Chad Pederson said...

Hey Mack. Unfortunately no matter how many changes Arizona makes, they still always end up low in the standings. I don't see that changing, but we will see!

Woosang said...

How about Arizona, they got Warner, Leinhart and James. Nice package there.

Arizona is getting owned by Seattle as we speak...

Mack said...

"One of the good things about the NFL is the fact that they only have games once a week on Sunday. So it is much easier to watch games."

Woosang, the CFL has "Friday Night Football" on TSN, every Friday night. I think it's better than a game every Sunday because on Sunday I'm going back to work or school and Friday I'm much more willing to sit and watch a game, as it's the start of the weekend and I have lot's of time to do everything.

I see Arizona as Hamilton, great moves getting skill players in the off-season but they didn't translate into results.

Anonymous said...

you forgot to mention that when we played punt/pass how I use to toy with you, letting you think you ever had a chance at beating me before I destroyed you.

Chad Pederson said...

Jeremy, I'm tempted to say "meet me at Evergreen in one hour" to prove you wrong! We will have to do that one day before we get too old! ;o)