Saturday, July 01, 2006

0-4 - A blind monkey could do better...

Okay, so I was 0-4 in my picks for the World Cup quarter-finals. And admittedly, a blind monkey randomly picking would have invariably done better. And yes, I have watched a lot of the games so far and should have known better. Wait...what's my point??

I will endeavor to do better in the my predictions for the semi-finals. I couldn't do any worse!


Woosang said...

Dude... 0-4?? It is quite sad...yet very funny. :p

I suggest that you stick with your day job and don't bet any of your hard-earned money on soccer game predictions.

I will also use this opportunity to tell you that 14 out of 16 teams that I picked in December made it to the round of 16s... So beat that. :p

opinionator777 said...


I was 2-2 in the quarter finals. My prediction for the world cup is now Germany-France with France winning. I really like the French keeper (sp?) What's your prediction?